Publications and Presentations Based on Research in Kamchatka




"Shades of Deep Salmon: Fish, Fishing and Itelmen Cultural History." In Keystone Nations: Indigenous Peoples and Salmon Across the North Pacific, B. J. Colombi & J. F. Brooks (eds.) Santa Fe: School for Advanced Research Press, pp. 47–64, 2012.

Koester, D. and Liivo Niglas, "Itelmen Stories: Filming a Past Practice in a Disappearing Language" Sibirica, 10(3):55-81, 2011.

Koester, D. and Liivo Niglas, "Documentary Filming on the Edge: Past, Present, and Future in the Documenting of Language Loss in Practical Contexts," Histories From the North: Environments, Movements and Narratives, Boise: Boise State University , John Ziker and Florian Stammler, eds. pp. 48-54, 2011.

Crosscutting Narratives: Legacies of Religious Repression and Resistance in Soviet Kamchatka,” Bulletin of the National Museum of Ethnology 36(1):77-92, 2011.

Церковь, вера и современная жизнь – Воспоминания и рассказы из Тигиля (Записи 2006), co-edited with Viktoria Petrasheva and Tatiana Degai, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky: Holdingovaia kompaniia "Novaia Kniga," ISBN 978-5-87750-192-8, 2010.

"Возвращение к «Деяниям Асдиваля»: «малый» камчатский миф в свете теорий Ф. Боаса и К. Леви-Строса," Этнографическое обозрение, No. 6, pp. 4-18, 2008.

Wilson, Emma & David Koester "Community participation in international projects: an analytical perspective from the Russian Far East," Environment, Development and Sustainability, 10:267-290 2008.

"Global Movements and Local Historical Events:  Itelmens of Kamchatka Appeal to the United Nations," American Ethnologist, 32(4):642-659.2005.

"Publicity and Native Life in the 21st Century: How Indigenous People of Kamchatka Discuss Present Conditions and Future Prospects," Proceedings of the 19th International Abashiri Symposium. 2005.

Asdiwal revisité : Boas et Lévi-Strauss face à un ‘petit’ mythe du Kamtchatka. (online reprint of below).ethnographiques.org,  Numéro 8 - novembre : http://www.ethnographiques.org/2005/Koester.html [Includes translations into French of three versions of the Asdiwal tale (by Patrick Plattet and Maïté Agopian) and pdfs of the original texts.] 2005.

"Dérive d'un mythe dans le Pacifique Nord: La Geste d'Asdiwal inversée," Les Temps Modernes 628:75-97, 2004.

"When the Fat Raven Sings:  Mimesis and Environmental Alterity in Kamchatka's Environmentalist Age, in People and the Land:  Pathways to Reform in Post-Soviet Siberia. Erich Kasten, ed. Berlin:  Dietrich Reimer Verlag, pp. 45-62.  2002. Full text available at http://www.siberian-studies.org/publications/itelmens.html.

"Imagination and play in children's reflections on cultural life:  Implications for cultural continuity and educational practice," in Bicultural Education in the North:  Ways of Preserving and Enhancing Indigenous Peoples' Languages and Traditional Knowledge, Erich Kasten, ed. Waxmann, pp. 29-45, 1998.

"Childhood in National Consciousness and National Consciousness in Childhood," Childhood 1997.  4(1):127-144.



Itelmen Language and Culture, translator and editor of English sector of multimedia CD, Itel'menskii iazyk i kul-tura by K. N. Khaloimova, E. Kasten and M. Dürr, Waxmann/Max Planck Institute, 2001. 

Koester, D. and Ann Kremer, trs.  "Itel'mens" by A. P. Volodin and "Koryaks" by I.­C. Vdovin and A.­P. Volodin, Encyclopedia of World Cultures, Vol. VI 1994.




"The Temporal Sense of Structure – Orthodox Religious Revitalization in Kamchatka, Russia,” Annual Meetings of the American Anthropological Association, San Francisco, California, November 23, 2008.

"The Story of Asdiwal Inverted:  Challenges of History, Concept and Consciousness."  University of Alaska Fairbanks, Department of Anthropology, Colloquium Series, Special Lecture in Honor of the 100th Birthday of Claude Lévi-Strauss, November 14, 2008

"Татьяна Петровна Лукашкина: Жизнь через её архив," ('Tatiana Petrovna Lukashkina: A life – through her archive': multi-media presentation of life history project concerning the life of Tatiana Petrovna Lukashkina using recorded and archival materials), Press Conference and presentation in connection with the Festival "Zolotye Rodniki," Kamchatka Provincial Library, Petropavlvosk, Kamchatka, Russia, Sept. 5, 2008.

"Past and present forms of religiosity in Itelmen history," with Viktoria Petrasheva, International Congress of Arctic Social Sciences, Nuuk, Greenland, 23 August 2008. "Institutional Memories of the Future: Resurrection of the Orthodox Church in Rural Russia," Annual Meetings of the American Anthropological Association, Washington, DC, Nov 30, 2007.

"Православная вера в камчатской деревне в советском и постсоветском периоде" (The Orthodox Faith in the Kamchatkan countryside in the Soviet and Post-Soviet periods -- topic modified to fit circumstances) with Viktoria Petrasheva, International Conference, Spirit of the North, Vitus Bering State University of Kamchatka, July 2, 2007.

"Maintaining consciousness while doing ethnohistorical research," Conference: The Ethnohistory and Archaeology of Northeastern Eurasia--Theory, Methods and Practice.  Irkutsk State Technological University.  Irkutsk, Russia, May 19, 2007.

“Durativity and Religious Experience – Church Building in the Russian Far East,” Annual Meetings of the American Anthropological Association, San Jose, California, November 19, 2006.

“Personal Memory and Historical Consciousness:  The Construction of a Document-Rich Life History,” 5th  Society for Multi-Ethnic Studies: Europe and the Americas:  Ethnic Life Writing and Histories, Pamplona, Spain, May 20, 2006.

“A Village A Decade Later:   A Demographic Close-Up Of Post-Soviet Transition,” with Elena Fedorovna Diakonova. Alaska Anthropological Association Annual Meeting, Kodiak Alaska, March 3, 2006. 

"The Story of Asdiwal Inverted:  Challenges of History, Concept and Consciousness."  Paper presented at conference:  Claude Lévi-Strauss - Interdisciplinary Perspectives, University of Durham, Durham, England, Sept. 21, 2002.

"American Fieldwork Methodology," paper presented in Russian at the International Summer Field School, Kamchatka State Pedagogical University, Kamchatka, Russia, Aug. 5, 2002.

 "Community Participation in Research or Research Participation in Community," Annual Meetings of the Alaska Anthropological Association, Anchorage, Alaska, April 6, 2002.

"Community Participation in Research," Workshop on “Who Owns Siberian Ethnography?"  Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology, Halle, Germany, March 8, 2002.

 "Contemporary Itelmen Music" and "Storytelling in Kamchatka, Russia," University of Washington Outreach Workshop, June, 2, 2001.   

"Legal Layers of the Traditional in Kamchatka, Russia," International Congress of Arctic Social Sciences, Quebec City, May 17, 2001.

"When the Fat Raven Sings:  Mimesis and Environmental Alterity in Kamchatka's Environmentalist Age," invited lecture, Program on Tradition and Community, University of California, Berkeley, April 13, 2000; also revised version, invited talk, Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology, Halle, Germany, November, 2000; invited talk, University of Washington, Dept. of Anthropology, June 1, 2001.

"Socio-Ecological Significance of Music and Verbal Art in Kamchatka's Environmentalist Age," invited lecture, Fort Ross State Historical Park, Fort Ross, California, April 15, 2000.

"The Significance of Cultural Historical Research Today," Conference on Cultural-Historical Development of the Peoples of Kamchatka," Kamchatka State Pedagogical Institute, Dec. 9, 1999, Petropavlovsk, Kamchatka, Russia.

"When the Fat Raven Sings:  the Socio-Ecological Significance of Music and Verbal Art in Kamchatka's Environmentalist Age,"  Annual Meeting, Alaska Association for the Advancement of Science, Denali Park, Sept. 20, 1999.

"Poets of Language Lost," lecture and multi-media presentation, University of California, Berkeley, Department of Slavic Languages, Program on Orality and Ethnicity, March 30, 1999.

"Contemporary Itelmen Poets and Composers," lecture and slide presentation, Fort Ross, California, March 28, 1999.

"Globalization as a Local Historical Event," University of Alaska Fairbanks, Department of Anthropology, public lecture, February 27, 1999.

"The first Itelmen author?" with Jonathan David Bobaljik, Society for the Study of Indigenous Languages of the Americas Newsletter. 17(4):5-6, 1999.

"Globalization in Local Discourses of Justice and Need:  Itel'mens of Kamchatka Appeal to the United Nations," Cornell University, Department of Anthropology, Colloquium Series, Nov. 20, 1998, Ithaca, NY

Contemporary Itel'men Music - the Songs and Melodies of Anatoly Levkovsky. New York:  Desktop publication, 1998.

"Radio, Telephony and Cultural History in the North," 3rd International Congress of Arctic Social Sciences, Copenhagen, May, 1998. 

"Kamchatka in the Early Twentieth Century:  Perspectives from Indigenous Writings," Meetings of the American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies, Seattle, November 23, 1997.

"Life in Lost Villages," Conference on the Legacy of the Jesup Expedition, American Museum of Natural History, New York, November 16, 1997.  Public lecture and slide presentation at AMNH with same title, December 1, 1997.

"Conflicting Capacities:  The Case of Gold and Environmental Protection in Kamchatka, Russia" at UNDP conference, Governance and Sustainable Human Development:  Issues of State Capacity, New York, October 10, 1997.

"Vospominaniia i rasskazy," [Remembrances and Tales] from the conference, "Keepers of the Native Hearth," June, 1995, with Viktoria Petrasheva.

"Globalization in Local Discourses of Justice and Need:  Itel'mens of Kamchatka Appeal to the United Nations," Symposium on Cultural Studies of Eastern Europe and the Former Soviet Union, April 19, 1996, Ann Arbor, Michigan

"Cultural Revival in Kamchatka," Brown Bag Lecture, March 19, 1996, Harriman Institute

"Itel'men Cultural Restoration - A Native-Scholar Conference:  Report to International Research and Exchanges Board."  September, 1995.

"Music, Cultural Continuity and Cultural Revival in Kamchatka, Russia" 2nd International Congress of Arctic Social Sciences, May 31, 1995, Rovaniemi, Finland

"Childhood and Cultural Revival," Norwegian Centre for Child Research Seminar Series, February 8, 1995

"Environmental Issues, Corporate Interests and Indigenous Rights in Kamchatka, Russia,"  Harriman Institute Program on the Environment, Brown Bag Seminar Series, December 5, 1994

"Culture Death - Theoretical Reflections on Life Among the Indigenous Peoples of Kamchatka, Russia" Department of Anthropology, Columbia University, November 9, 1994

"Voices of Conflict, Implications of Conflict on Culture and Tradition in the Russian Far East" New York Forum, New York and the World, October 29, 1994

"The Causes and Consequences of Decline in a Remote Village of the Russian Far East," "The Meaning of Money and the Making of Markets in the rural Russian Far East," "Seeking a Higher Authority:  Itel'mens of Kamchatka Appeal to the United Nations," "The State of the Itel'men Language and its Relevance to Cultural Revival and Native Rights" (with Jonathan Bobaljik), Reports to the National Council for Soviet and East European Research, October 10, 1994

"Lines of Continuity, Fractures in Revival"  45th Annual Arctic Sciences Conference, American Association for the Advancement of Science, Anchorage Alaska, August 26, 1994, with Viktoria Petrasheva.

"Kamchatka Ethnographic-Ecological Expedition," exhibit in the village museum, Kovran, Kamchatka, Russia, August 10 - Sept 18, 1994

"Kul'tura i ekologia --amerikanskaia tohka zreniia."  Regional'noj nauhno-prakticheskoj konferencii "Aktual'nye voprosy racional'nogo prirodopol'zovaniia i ekologicheskaia kul'tura", 8 April 1994.  ["Culture and Ecology – an American Perspective" Kamchatka Institute of Ecology and Natural Resources, delivered in Russian].

"The Wild Wild East:  Culture and Politics in Kamchatka," Harriman Institute Brown Bag Seminar, March 23, 1993.